Christmas Eve



Monday, December 24th


2 Sm 7: 1-5. 8b-12. 14a. 16
Ps 89: 2-3. 4-5, 27, 29
Lk 1: 67-79


I wonder how today’s readings from Samuel and Luke would sound to the Syrian people—or the Rohingya of Myanmar. Would hope spring forth to sustain them in their exile and oppression? God’s promises are often best understood by those most oppressed and afflicted among us. “You will have a place of your own to dwell,” God tells Israel. And “neither shall the wicked continue to afflict you because I will give you rest from your enemies.” God’s promise is still waiting to be fulfilled for Rohingyans and Syrians. They dwell in the midst of darkness as the world’s powers use them for their own political gain. They await the dawn. This last day of Advent reminds us to have faith that despite deep darkness, God’s tender compassion brings forth a new saving energy in the birth of Jesus. Yet Jesus’ saving kin-dom is not yet fulfilled on earth. It is not yet here in fullness for the people of Syria and Myanmar.


Dear Jesus, strengthen our faith that your saving power will eventually free all the peoples of the earth—especially those who appear most forsaken. Free you’re besieged and suffering people from the hands of their enemies and help us recognize when we are part of the problem. Grant us a deeper knowledge—and forgiveness when we fail to care about the least among us.

Personal Challenge

How may I build a new dwelling place for God’s people?

Sister Christine Schenk, CSJ
Cleveland, OH

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