Discernment Packet for Calling Forth Elected Leadership – Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph

Discernment Packet for Calling Forth Elected Leadership

We now enter a most Sacred Time of discerning and calling forth the women among us who we believe have the capacities and gifts to serve in elected leadership for the next five years. Clicking on each of the below forms will download them to your computer for your use.

Forms are due no later than January 20, 2023. For reasons of confidentiality, they must be mailed to the address noted at the bottom of the form.

All submitted forms will be forwarded to the individual Sister for her discernment of the call to elected leadership. Those who are called forth by seven or more Sisters and Associates will be invited to continue in the process and attend the discernment retreat at the LaGrange Center beginning at 5 pm Friday, March 17 and ending at noon on Sunday, March 19, 2023.

Let us keep one another close to our hearts in prayer as we engage in this holy time of calling forth Sisters to the ministry of elected leadership in the Congregation of St. Joseph.

The Chapter Planning Committee

Kathy Brazda, Marcella Clancy, Janice Grochowsky, Ann Letourneau, Jacquie Wetherholt, Donna Fyffe, Mark Clarke


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