Christmas Eve

Friday, December 24th


2 Sam 7: 1-5, 8-12, 14, 16
Ps. 89: 2-5, 27, 29
Lk 1: 67-79


“God raises from David’s house a child with power to save.”
Canticle of Zachary

Today’s liturgy links God’s refusal that David construct a temple with the Canticle of Zachary who praises God for raising from David’s house, a Saving Child. In such surprising ways did God fulfill the ancient prophecies—Davidic promises through Zachariah’s and Elizabeth’s child; Messianic designs through Mary and Joseph, of the House of David; and the Covenant faithfulness of countless others throughout the ages.

Over and over again God is born in our own lives and in all of creation. God comes in every possible situation. Yet God’s freedom is dependent upon us. The Incarnate One must be born according to the laws of our nature, from the flesh of Mary. God calls upon mid-wives.

Who are the midwives today? Who is a midwife for me? How am I a midwife for others and all creation that is in labor? (Rom 8)

Midwives assist in childbirth when the time of delivery has come. Now is the time! Call the mid-wife!


O Eternal Wisdom, on this night you were delivered
as a baby, in poverty and exile.
Through prophets you had promised to raise up a child to establish a household of justice.
Grace us to be midwives to this new birth and to establish your household in this our time.

Personal Challenge

Today I will be aware that now is the time of new birth and to call forth the mid-wife in me and in others.

Sister Lucy Silvio, CSJ
Baton Rouge, LA

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